Master International Management par Institut Catholique de Lille

En centre (59)
Total : 2100 heures
En centre : 900 heures
En entreprise : 1200 heures
Demandeur d’emploi
Éligible CPF
Diplômes délivrés
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Cette formation vous intéresse ?
Description générale
Working in a globalized environment requires cultural sensitivity as well as an understanding of local and international operations, management, marketing and other business practices.
If your goal is to become a successful manager, working in a globalized environment, the Master International Management is the best choice you can make.
Our programme offers a comprehensive vision and knowledge of management and business.
It provides an outstanding preparation, based on practical and interactive teaching methods that include experience sharing, group projects, business cases, business games or role
- plays. Most of the aspects of business are explored including managerial control, business strategy, marketing, operation management, business development, leadership or project management. It is a professional master's degree focusing on career development in international business.
It offers networking opportunities with classmates from different countries and academic backgrounds and with professionals and experts. Our goal is to provide an innovative environment open to the world and to the society favourable to the acquisition and development of best practices in a responsible fashion.
National diploma (With partner University Lille 1*) - Master of Science in Economics and Management
Focus on International Economy and Management
- Major
- Commerce and Management in International Business
*Conventionné avec Université Lille 1

Why choose this program ?
> To develop your cultural sensitivity, improve your language skills and be ready to respond to social and economic challenges.
> To acquire a comprehensive vision and know
- how of management and business best practices.
> To benefit from an effective preparation for your future career (internship and professional training contract)
> Because achievements in career are determined by a combination of soft, cognitive and technical skills (interdisciplinary and cross programs projects, group work).
  • Lille (59)
Formation proposée par : Institut Catholique de Lille
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