economie - master (m2) mention économie parcours type economic theory and econometrics (ete) par UT1 Capitole

En centre (31)
Total : 200 heures
En centre : 100 heures
En entreprise : 100 heures
Demandeur d’emploi
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Description générale
Program 2018-2019Students must complete 6 graduate courses of 36 hours (3 at the 1st Semester and 3 at the 2nd semester) and 4 graduate courses of 30 hours ( 2 at the 1st Semester and 2 at the 2nd semester ) and write a Master thesis in application to the PhD course. Master thesis, advised by a faculty member, should show the aptitude and the skills of the students to do autonomous research in application to the PhD course.SEMESTER 3Compulsory:Microeconomics 1Macroeconomics 1Econometrics 1 Choose 1 elective:OptimizationGame TheorySEMESTER 4Compulsory:Microeconomics 2Macroeconomics 2Econometrics 22 among 12 :Asset pricing and financial marketCorporate finance and financial intermediationPublic economics of the environmentDevelopment microeconomicsPublic economicsEconomic theoryStochastic optimal control in economicsTopics in econometrics and empirical economics Industrial OrganizationQuantitatives techniques in economicsFondation of behavioral and experimental economiscsStochastic Optimization algorithmsMaster thesis or internshipBonus Point:To practice a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra during the year can give you bonus points. Only points above 10/20 are recorded.More information: www.tse
- 2-economic
- theory
- and
- econometrics
- doctoral
- track
The Master 2 in "Economic Theory and Econometrics" allows students to acquire a thorough, general training (in economic theory, econometrics, industrial organisation, etc.) before choosing a specific area of research. This master is specially designed for students interested in economic theory, econometrics, industrial organisation, macroeconomics and other theoretical and applied fields. It offers a large range of courses that allow students to start a PhD in the best possible conditions, particularly those who have not yet chosen their research topic.
Etablissements partenaires
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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