management et commerce international - master 2 management international par UT1 Capitole

En centre (31)
Total : 200 heures
En centre : 100 heures
En entreprise : 100 heures
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Description générale
The Master 2 in International Management builds on the foundation courses of the first year and offers courses on major business administration topics on an advanced and more specialized level.The M2 puts the emphasis on direct linkages with the professional world by offering a significant number of courses taught by practitioners and by giving students the opportunity to work on 3-month consulting assignments.From September to March, Master 2 students attend the following courses:UE 01 - Advanced strategy & International business developmentUE 02 - Cross
- cultural Management & International HRMUE 03 - International Management ControlUE 04 - Commercial NegotiationUE 05 - International MarketingUE 06 - Export and international commerceUE 07 - Purchasing and supply chain managementUE 08 - Practitioner ConferencesUE 09 - International project management & Consulting projectsUE 10 - InternshipCourses are entirely taught in English.The company consulting project consists of teams of students working on a consulting mission for a company on a part
- time basis (market research, strategy development, business plan, process and organizational analysis...). This work allows students to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in real
- life business situations.
Understand international business situations and issues ;Understand theoretical and conceptual elements of international management ;Apply these concepts to the analysis of international business situations ;Use of methodological tools and frameworks in business analysis and development ;Demonstrate analytical skills and capacity of critical thinking ;Communicate clearly and efficiently both in written and oral modes ;Operate in a multicultural and transnational environment (comprehend, negotiate, manage).
The Master 2 in International Management is a full
- time degree, training junior managers ready to deal with cross
- cultural management situations and strategic decision
- making in an international context. The Master 2 in International Management brings together a highly international student group.The second year builds on the foundations acquired during the first year and puts the emphasis on the development of professional skills and competencies by training students to apply their knowledge to concrete international business situations. The complementarity between academic and practical insights is central during the second year.The programme stresses the use of a great variety of teaching methods such as academic lectures, practitioner conferences, case
- based learning, role plays, serious games, consulting assignments, etc.SpécificitésThis is an EPAS Accredited Programme
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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