finance - master (m2) financial markets and risk evaluation (fire) par UT1 Capitole

En centre (31)
Total : 200 heures
En centre : 100 heures
En entreprise : 100 heures
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Description générale
Tous les cours sont dispensés en anglais / The programme is taught entirely in English. SEMESTER 1:UE 01 - Asset pricingUE 02 - Corporate financeUE 03 - Information technology for finance IIUE 04 - Financial econometricsUE 05 - Economics for financeUE 06 - Asset management and tradingUE 07 - DerivativesUE 08 - Risk managementUE 09 - Psychology for financeUE 10 - Financial computingSEMESTER 2:UE 11 - Internship or Research Dissertation
By the end of the Master in Finance, students will be able to:Know basic institutional and regulatory framework of finance in organisations and markets ;Understand the conceptual foundations and analytical methods in finance ;Apply analytical methods in finance to solve practical problem encountered by corporations, financial institutions and markets ;Critically assess the drivers of contemporary financial issues ;Incorporate ethical dimension and implications for sustainability in financial decisions Communicate effectively in oral and written form ;Work in team ;Solve complex problemsStudents pursuing the track Financial Markets and Risk Evaluation will also learn to:Use modeling and computational tools to price financial assets ;Understand the functioning of financial markets ;Identify and manage operational and financial risks.
The Master "Financial Markets and Risk Evaluation" (FiRE) offers theoretical and practical insights on financial markets.Theoretical insights are all the more needed after the great financial crisis of 2008 that has shown that blind applications of valuation and risk management models could prove unproductive. These theoretical insights are acquired by students with the instruction offered by world
- class academics who have contributed to build them. Practical insights are also offered to ensure that students are accustomed to the functioning and vocabulary of financial markets, the strategies of investors and the pricing of financial assets, with a particular emphasis on risk measurement and evaluation.
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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