Finance - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master (M1) Finance par UT1 Capitole

En centre (31)
Total : 850 heures
En centre : 400 heures
En entreprise : 450 heures
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Description générale
The programme is taught entirely in English.SEMESTER 1UE 01 - Foundations of asset pricingUE 02 - Introduction to corporate valuationUE 03 - Mathematics for finance and insuranceUE 04 - Business economicsUE 05 - Financial controllingUE 06 - Initiation to researchSEMESTER 2UE 07 - Financial marketsUE 08 - Principles of corporate financeUE 09 - EconometricsUE 10 - Information technology for financeUE 11 - Professionalisation / internship SYLLABUS
By the end of the Master in Finance, students will be able to:Know basic institutional and regulatory framework of finance in organisations and markets ;Understand the conceptual foundations and analytical methods in finance ;Apply analytical methods in finance to solve practical problems encountered by corporations, financial institutions and markets ;Critically assess the drivers of contemporary financial issues ;Incorporate ethical dimension and implications for sustainability in financial decisions ;Communicate effectively in oral and written form ;Solve complex problems.
The curriculum offers a rigorous training programme, covering the foundations of finance during the first year and offering students the option to specialise in one of three fields during the second year (Corporate Finance, Financial Markets and Risk Evaluation or Finance and Information Technology).This first year of the Master in Finance allows students to build a strong conceptual framework in order to analyse financial issues. The second year of the programme builds on this by developing practical applications.At the end of the first year, students will undertake a compulsory internship in a company during 2 to 5 months.At the end of the second year, a 6-month internship is mandatory.
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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