Finance - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master 2 Master of Science in Finance (Research Track) par UT1 Capitole
En centre (31)
Total : 850 heures
En centre : 400 heures
En entreprise : 450 heures
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Description générale
The academic year starts early September. Students have the opportunity to take a gap year before entering the programme. Core courses Learning and practice in researchEngaging with the scientific literatureManagement scienceQualitative researchQuantitative researchExperimental researchLibrary resources Specialization research courses Asset pricing and financial markets 1 (30hrs)Corporate finance and financial intermediation 1 (30hrs)Perspectives in finance (30hrs) Practitioner courses3 courses among: Psychology for finance (24hrs)Derivatives (24hrs)Financial econometrics (30hrs)Economics for finance (30hrs) Master thesis and / or internship
The Master of Science in Finance aims at training a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative researchers, able to face current and future challenges.To do so it creatively combines the best of practice, theory, qualitative & quantitative tools and reality
- based education. You will attend academic conferences, make presentations, organise seminars, and contribute to management and academic decisions. It also offers high quality teaching and a truly multicultural work environment with students coming from all over the world.Our MSc offers the excellence training needed for international and French university graduates interested in pursuing a career in research: Rigorous selection processClose supervision by internationally recognized high
- level research professors who publish in the best journalsFull immersion in the lab research activitiesExchanges with the world's best universitiesResearch presentations in the leading international conferences We deliberately keep the MSc small to allow you to work closely with your supervisor, develop interaction with other faculty who will be happy to act as sounding boards, and gain teaching experience. Discover our interview Campus ChannelWe are looking for talented applicants who are enthusiastic about research, genuinely intellectually curious, like reading and debating, want to be able to answer new questions and love travelling and meeting new people. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to take a closer look at our TSM Doctoral Programme, and we look forward to receiving your application.The Master of Science is the first year of the TSM Doctoral Programme which is one of only 4 doctoral programmes entirely dedicated to management in France.
- based education. You will attend academic conferences, make presentations, organise seminars, and contribute to management and academic decisions. It also offers high quality teaching and a truly multicultural work environment with students coming from all over the world.Our MSc offers the excellence training needed for international and French university graduates interested in pursuing a career in research: Rigorous selection processClose supervision by internationally recognized high
- level research professors who publish in the best journalsFull immersion in the lab research activitiesExchanges with the world's best universitiesResearch presentations in the leading international conferences We deliberately keep the MSc small to allow you to work closely with your supervisor, develop interaction with other faculty who will be happy to act as sounding boards, and gain teaching experience. Discover our interview Campus ChannelWe are looking for talented applicants who are enthusiastic about research, genuinely intellectually curious, like reading and debating, want to be able to answer new questions and love travelling and meeting new people. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to take a closer look at our TSM Doctoral Programme, and we look forward to receiving your application.The Master of Science is the first year of the TSM Doctoral Programme which is one of only 4 doctoral programmes entirely dedicated to management in France.
- Toulouse (31)
- Agent / Agente d'accueil de prestations sociales
- Agent / Agente de back-office
- Agent / Agente de middle-office
- Agent / Agente technique de banque
- Agent / Agente technique des régimes de retraite complémentaire et de prévoyance
- Agent administratif / Agente administrative back-office marché
- Agent administratif / Agente administrative d'assurances
- Agent administratif / Agente administrative de banque
- Agent administratif / Agente administrative des opérations bancaires
- Agent administratif / Agente administrative middle-office marché
- Aide-rédacteur / Aide-rédactrice d'assurances
- Assistant / Assistante marché produits bancaires
- Assistant administratif / Assistante administrative d'assurances
- Cambiste
- Cash manager
- Chargé / Chargée de back-office
- Chargé / Chargée de trésorerie et de financement
- Chef de produits bancaires
- Commis / Commise d'agent de change
- Commis / Commise de société d'investissement
- Consultant financier spécialisé / Consultante financière spécialisée
- Credit controller
- Credit manager
- Directeur / Directrice de trésorerie
- Employé central / Employée centrale chèque
- Expert / Experte back-office
- Expert / Experte middle-office
- Expert financier / Experte financière
- Gestionnaire d'organisme de placement collectif en valeurs mobilières (OPCVM)
- Gestionnaire de middle-office
- Gestionnaire de produits bancaires
- Gestionnaire des opérations sur les marchés financiers
- Négociateur / Négociatrice en Bourse
- Négociateur / Négociatrice en devises
- Négociateur / Négociatrice salle des marchés
- Opérateur / Opératrice back-office
- Opérateur / Opératrice middle-office
- Opérateur / Opératrice produits dérivés financiers
- Opérateur / Opératrice sur marchés financiers
- Responsable de back-office
- Responsable de la trésorerie
- Responsable de middle-office
- Responsable de produits bancaires
- Responsable financement exportations
- Responsable financement investissements
- Responsable gestion trésorerie
- Responsable investissements
- Responsable marché bancaire
- Responsable marché bancaire entreprises
- Responsable marché bancaire particuliers
- Responsable marché bancaire professionnels
- Responsable relations bancaires
- Technicien / Technicienne de gestion électronique de documents (GED)
- Technicien administratif / Technicienne administrative de banque
- Trader
- Trésorier / Trésorière crédit manager
- Trésorier / Trésorière d'entreprise
- Trésorier / Trésorière devises
- Trésorier / Trésorière euros
- Trésorier / Trésorière euros-devises
- Trésorier / Trésorière marché monétaire
- Trésorier adjoint / Trésorière adjointe
- Vendeur / Vendeuse produits de marchés financiers
- Analyse d'indicateurs financiers
- Analyse des risques financiers
- Analyse financière
- Analyse statistique
- Anglais financier
- Argumentation commerciale
- Calculs financiers
- Caractéristiques des produits financiers
- Comptabilité analytique
- Comptabilité des opérations de marché
- Comptabilité générale
- Comptabilité publique
- Contrôle de gestion
- Dispositif TRACFIN (Traitement du renseignement et action contre les circuits financiers clandestins)
- Droit cambiaire
- Droit commercial
- Droit économique
- Fiscalité
- Gestion administrative
- Gestion budgétaire
- Gestion comptable
- Gestion de portefeuille financier
- Gestion de trésorerie
- Gestion des risques (Risk Management)
- Gestion du Back Office
- Gestion du Middle Office
- Indicateurs statistiques
- Logiciel de gestion clients
- Logiciels comptables
- Logiciels d'édition multimédia
- Loi de sécurité financière (LSF)
- Macroéconomie
- Management
- Marketing / Mercatique
- Mathématiques financières
- Microéconomie
- Modalités de stockage de monnaie
- Modes de paiement
- Méthodes de valorisation
- Normes comptables International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- Principes de la relation client
- Procédures d'administration de compte bancaire
- Prospection téléphonique
- Ratios financiers
- Recommandations AMF
- Règles de traitement des opérations bancaires
- Réglementation bancaire
- Réglementation des marchés financiers
- Réglementation des produits d'assurances
- Techniques commerciales
- Techniques d'affacturage
- Techniques d'animation d'équipe
- Techniques de communication
- Techniques de négociation
- Techniques pédagogiques
- Traitement des opérations sur titres
- Veille concurrentielle
- Veille informationnelle
- Économie des marchés financiers
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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