Anglais comptable et financier par EFE formation

En centre (75)
Total : 21 heures
En centre : 21 heures
Demandeur d’emploi
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Description générale
Quiz amont : pour tester son niveau de connaissances
Reading the British and American financial press
Improving one's reading skills and how to analyse economic and financial information through the press
Reading the press
- Key points
- Building headlines
- Main information to retain
The language of Finance and Accounting
How to understand and copy simple information in technical and professional English
Balance sheets, income statements...
Case study: analysis and comments on specific professional documents related to Accounting, Finance and Economy
How to analyse a British text and analysis of American data
- Mastering journalistic vocabulary to analyse professional documents
- General economic data in the economic press
Case study: The Economist, The International Herald Tribune
Pratical exercises on accounting and financial points: bookkeeping, cash flow, bankruptcy, auditing, cost accounting, interest rates, exchange rates, ratios...
How to have a clear dialogue in professional English
Role playing: analysis of professional situations in a professional context
Studying the economic press and visualisation of understanding
Analysis of precise economic vocabulary in a given context
Exercise: project work on balance sheets, income statements...
Improving global English
Writing a business letter / an e
- mail in English
Answering a business letter / an e
- mail in English
- Study of technical terms, professional and specific vocabulary to be used
Taking notes on a given oral message: TV commercials , extract of news, analysis of a simple message...
Exercise: video comprehension, working on an extract of news
How to discriminate and give a long message, precise data
Professional interviews
Working on CVs and professional ads
Leading the debate on a given topic
- Use of vocabulary on financial reports
Quiz aval : pour valider les acquis de la formation et formaliser sa progression
- Réviser le vocabulaire comptable et financier
- Lire la presse financière
- Rédiger des écrits professionnels en anglais
  • Paris - 2ème (75)
Formation proposée par : EFE formation
À découvrir
Gestionnaire comptable et financier par AFPA DR Accès emploi Pays de la Loire
BULATS - Anglais comptable et financier par Infolangues
BULATS - Anglais comptable et financier par Infolangues
Tests TOEIC - Anglais comptable et financier par Infolangues
Directeur administratif et financier par FORCES
Gestionnaire Comptable et Financier par PIGIER METZ
Gestionnaire Comptable et Financier par ECOLE PIGIER-MBWAY
Collaborateur comptable et financier par AFTEC RENNES
Gestionnaire comptable et financier par La Compagnie de Formation - Pigier