Management et commerce international - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master (M2) International management in European Context (IMEC) par UT1 Capitole
En centre (31)
Total : 850 heures
En centre : 400 heures
En entreprise : 450 heures
Demandeur d’emploi
Éligible CPF
Diplômes délivrés
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Description générale
In the first year of the Master, students attend the following courses from September to April:SEMESTER 1 (in Toulouse)UE1: Strategic ManagementUE2: Management Information SystemsUE3: Quantitative Data AnalysisUE4: AccountingUE5: Organizational BehaviourSEMESTER 2 (in Toulouse)UE6: FinanceUE7: MarketingUE8: International StrategyUE9: Business plan and EntrepreneurshipUE10: InternshipUE11: Practical seminars on international management in the European contextIn the second year, students follow courses at KU Leven in Brussels, Belgium. SEMESTER 3 (in Brussels)International Accounting & ControlInternational Business StrategyInterdisciplinary Assessment ProjectInternational MarketingStrategic International HRMInternational EconomicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityRecent Advances in European BusinessProject ManagementMaster thesis & InternshipSEMESTER 4Internship
By the end of the Master International Management in European Context (IMEC), students will be able to:Discuss international business situations and issues, with a particular focus on the European economy;Apply theoretical and conceptual elements to the analysis of international business situations, and especially business situations with and within European companies;Use of methodological tools and frameworks in business analysis and development;Design relevant recommendations on international business situations based on methodological tools and frameworks;Comprehend different ways in which international business affects society and environment;Communicate clearly and efficiently both in written and oral modes;Operate in a multicultural environment (negotiate, manage, lead)In their first year, students follow courses in Toulouse and do a 3 to 6-month internship in France or abroad.In their second year, students follow courses at KU Leuven in Brussels, Belgium, and do a 6-month internship in Europe or abroad.
The Master International Management in European Context (IMEC) is a full
- time double degree over two years, entirely taught in English and designed for International and French university graduates. After validation, students obtain a double degree from TSM and KU Leuven in Belgium. The Master offers high quality teaching from professors in two internationally renowned institutions, a truly multicultural work environment with students coming from all over the world, and close relationships with the business world.
The Master International Management in European Context (IMEC) is a full
- time double degree over two years, entirely taught in English and designed for International and French university graduates. After validation, students obtain a double degree from TSM and KU Leuven in Belgium. The Master offers high quality teaching from professors in two internationally renowned institutions, a truly multicultural work environment with students coming from all over the world, and close relationships with the business world.
- Toulouse (31)
- Chargé / Chargée d'expansion commerciale d'enseigne
- Chargé / Chargée de clientèle
- Chargé / Chargée de gestion commerciale
- Chargé de mission partenariats
- Chef de secteur des ventes
- Chef des ventes
- Conseiller / Conseillère de vente et de services
- Directeur / Directrice
- Directeur / Directrice des ventes
- Directeur / Directrice des ventes internationales
- Directeur commercial / Directrice commerciale
- Directeur commercial / Directrice commerciale export
- Directeur commercial international / Directrice commerciale internationale
- Directeur national / Directrice nationale des ventes
- Directeur régional / Directrice régionale des ventes
- Directeur régional / Directrice régionale des ventes export
- Délégué régional / Déléguée régionale des ventes
- Inspecteur / Inspectrice des ventes
- Inspecteur / Inspectrice du cadre en assurances
- Inspecteur commercial / Inspectrice commerciale
- Manager commercial / Manageuse commerciale des forces de vente
- Manager commercial junior / Manageuse commerciale junior des forces de vente
- Responsable animateur / animatrice des forces de vente
- Responsable animateur / animatrice des ventes
- Responsable commercial / commerciale
- Responsable commercial international / commerciale internationale
- Responsable de la force de vente
- Responsable de la stratégie commerciale
- Responsable des ventes
- Responsable des ventes comptes-clés
- Responsable des ventes zone export
- Responsable du développement commercial
- Responsable développement / Business Developer
- Responsable d’entreprise
- Responsable e-commerce
- Responsable régional / régionale des ventes
- Responsable ventes indirectes
- Allemand des affaires
- Analyse statistique
- Anglais des affaires
- Centrales d'achat
- Circuits de distribution commerciale
- Communication interpersonnelle
- Droit commercial
- Droit du commerce international
- Droit immobilier
- E-procurement
- Espagnol des affaires
- Gestion administrative
- Gestion budgétaire
- Gestion comptable
- Gestion de projet
- Gestion des Ressources Humaines
- Leadership
- Logiciel de gestion clients
- Management
- Management électronique de relation client (e-CRM)
- Marketing / Mercatique
- Merchandising / Marchandisage
- Outils bureautiques
- Outils de planification
- Procédures d'appels d'offres
- Réglementation des douanes
- Réglementation du commerce international (Incoterms, ...)
- Réglementation du commerce électronique
- Statistiques
- Techniques commerciales
- Techniques d'affacturage
- Techniques d'animation d'équipe
- Techniques de communication
- Techniques de négociation
- Techniques de vente
- Veille concurrentielle
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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