Management et commerce international - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master (M2) in International management in Asian Context (IMAC) par UT1 Capitole

En centre (31)
Total : 850 heures
En centre : 400 heures
En entreprise : 450 heures
Demandeur d’emploi
Éligible CPF
Diplômes délivrés
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Description générale
In the first year of the Master, students attend the following courses from September to April:SEMESTER 1 (in Toulouse) Strategic ManagementManagement Information SystemsQualitative Data AnalysisAccountingOrganizational BehaviourSEMESTER 2 (in Toulouse)FinanceMarketingInternational StrategyBusiness plan and EntrepreneurshipInternshipPratical seminars on International management in the Asian and Thai contextIn the second year, students follow courses at College Of Management Of Mahidol University (CMMU) in Bangkok, Thailand. SEMESTER 3 (in Bangkok)Asian economy in the global contextCompetitive StrategyStrategic Brand ManagementManagerial negotiation strategyCross
- cultural managementDecision SkillsProject ManagementConsulting Tools in SustainabilityThematic paperSEMESTER 4 Internship (6 months)
By the end of the Master in International Management in Asian Context (IMAC), students will be able to: Discuss international business situations and issues, with a particular focus on the Asian economy;Apply theoretical and conceptual elements to the analysis of international business situations, and especially business situations with and within Asian companies;Use of methodological tools and frameworks in business analysis and development;Design relevant recommendations on international business situations based on methodological tools and frameworks;Comprehend different ways in which international business affects society and environment;Communicate clearly and efficiently both in written and oral modes;Operate in a multicultural environment (negotiate, manage, lead) In their first year, students follow courses in Toulouse and do a 3 to 6-month internship in France or abroad.In their second year, students follow courses at CMMU in Bangkok, Thailand, and do a 6-month internship in Thailand or abroad.
The Master in International Management in Asian Context (IMAC) is a full
- time double degree over two years, entirely taught in English and designed for International and French university graduates. After validation, students obtain a double degree from TSM and the College of Management of Mahidol University (CMMU) in Bangkok, Thailand.The Master offers high quality teaching from professors in two internationally renowned institutions, a truly multicultural work environment with students coming from all over the world, and close relationships with the business world.Spécificités
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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