Economie - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master (M2) mention économie parcours type Public Policy and Development (PPD) par UT1 Capitole
En centre (31)
Total : 850 heures
En centre : 400 heures
En entreprise : 450 heures
100 % demandeur d’emploi
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Description générale
Program 2019-2020 Each student must choose 4 courses (30 hours each) in each semester. SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 4 among 6 electives: Political Economy and DevelopmentEconomic Effects of Political institutionsInfrastructures and DevelopmentRandomized Control Trials and Policy EvaluationGovernance, Industrial Organization and DevelopmentTopics in Applied Econometrics Non
- Mandatory : Datanomics : regulation of data spreading and data protectionMath refresher courses***: Algebra Refresher, Probability Refresher, Dynamic Optimization refresherProfessional Development** 4 among 8 electives: Foreign Aid, Organization and EffectivenessInternational Trade and DevelopmentStructural Models and Policy EvaluationMicro
- Finance, Land and LaborNorth
- South Economic relation****Economic Analysis of Infrastructure and Network Industries (30 students max.Historical perspective on developmentDevelopment Microeconomics* Internship or dissertation * Choice of this option must be validated by the ETE Master Director as well as the PP&D Master Director** Students who followed the course #0x5c#" Professional Development#0x5c#" in M1 in 2018-2019 will be exempted.*** Upgrade course in Mathematics, open to students in M1 and M2 of TSE.**** Students who have already attended the #0x5c#"North
- South Economic Relation#0x5c#" course in 2018-2019 cannot choose this elective More information: www.tse
- 2-ppd
- international
- track
- Mandatory : Datanomics : regulation of data spreading and data protectionMath refresher courses***: Algebra Refresher, Probability Refresher, Dynamic Optimization refresherProfessional Development** 4 among 8 electives: Foreign Aid, Organization and EffectivenessInternational Trade and DevelopmentStructural Models and Policy EvaluationMicro
- Finance, Land and LaborNorth
- South Economic relation****Economic Analysis of Infrastructure and Network Industries (30 students max.Historical perspective on developmentDevelopment Microeconomics* Internship or dissertation * Choice of this option must be validated by the ETE Master Director as well as the PP&D Master Director** Students who followed the course #0x5c#" Professional Development#0x5c#" in M1 in 2018-2019 will be exempted.*** Upgrade course in Mathematics, open to students in M1 and M2 of TSE.**** Students who have already attended the #0x5c#"North
- South Economic Relation#0x5c#" course in 2018-2019 cannot choose this elective More information: www.tse
- 2-ppd
- international
- track
Why are some countries so poor while others are so many times more affluent? Development economics is trying to provide an answer to this difficult question. The quest for this answer takes place either (i) at the level of states and countries, looking at international issues as well as into the political economy of government failure in poor countries, or (ii) at the level of individuals and firms, with a view to understand how these microeconomic agents are able to cope in such difficult environments. The Public Policy and Development (PPD) Master's program aims at equipping its students with the tools required to become part of that quest at the cutting edge.Modern development economics uses all the tools provided by mainstream economics, including economic theory and econometrics, to shed light on the problems facing developing countries. However, this discipline has a definite applied bent, making relevance the ultimate criterion for successful research. Ever since the end of World War II, the international community has been involved in trying to help developing countries to escape from poverty. Several international institutions have been created like the World Bank or the UNDP for collecting and channelling massive amounts of foreign aid to the countries in need. These institutions employ large number of economists and policy advisors.The PPD program aims at training its students to become actors in that process, either within aid agencies or within their own country's government. Moreover, many non
- state actors have emerged to take part in this development process and the PPD program aims also to train potential actors in such activities. The ultimate objective pursued in the PPD program is to turn knowledge into a policy tool for improving the fate of millions of people living in poor countries.
- state actors have emerged to take part in this development process and the PPD program aims also to train potential actors in such activities. The ultimate objective pursued in the PPD program is to turn knowledge into a policy tool for improving the fate of millions of people living in poor countries.
- Toulouse (31)
- Anthropologue
- Archéologue
- Archéomètre
- Chargé / Chargée d'études en sciences humaines
- Chargé / Chargée de recherche en sciences humaines
- Chargé / Chargée de recherche en sciences sociales
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en archéologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en criminologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en démographie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en ergonomie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en ethnologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en géographie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en géomatique
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en histoire
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en linguistique
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en psychologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en sciences humaines
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en sciences humaines et sociales
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en sciences sociales
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en sociologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en thanatologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en urbanisme
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en économie
- Choréologue
- Directeur / Directrice de recherche en sciences humaines
- Directeur / Directrice de recherche en sciences sociales
- Démographe
- Ergolinguiste
- Ethnographe
- Ethnolinguiste
- Ethnologue
- Ethnomusicologue
- Ethnosociologue
- Généalogiste
- Historien / Historienne
- Lexicographe
- Lexicologue
- Linguiste
- Musicologue
- Paléographe
- Paléontologue
- Philologue
- Psychologue chercheur / chercheuse
- Sociologue
- Sociologue chercheur / chercheuse
- Terminologue
- Urbanologue
- Économiste chercheur / chercheuse
- Épigraphiste
- Aménagement du territoire
- Analyse statistique
- Anthropologie
- Archéologie
- Droit général
- Démographie
- Ergonomie
- Ethnologie
- Gestion budgétaire
- Gestion de projet
- Généalogie
- Géographie
- Histoire
- Histoire de l'art
- Lexicologie
- Linguistique
- Logiciels de gestion documentaire
- Logiciels de modélisation et simulation
- Management
- Musicologie
- Méthodes d'investigation
- Méthodologie de recherche
- Outils bureautiques
- Paléontologie
- Philosophie
- Psychologie
- Sciences politiques
- Sociologie
- Techniques pédagogiques
- Urbanisme
- Économie
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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