Economie - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master (M2) mention économie parcours type Econometrics and Empirical Economics (EEE) par UT1 Capitole

En centre (31)
Total : 850 heures
En centre : 400 heures
En entreprise : 450 heures
100 % demandeur d’emploi
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Description générale
Program 2019-2020To obtain the Econometrics and Empirical Economics Master's degree, students need to complete all courses of the first semester and the equivalent of four courses of 30 hours on the second semester, and either :do an internship within a firm (public or private), a financial institution (bank, insurance), a government institution (competition or regulatory authority), or a research laboratory and write an internship report.write a Master Thesis under the supervision of a TSE faculty. SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Compulsory courses: Econometric Methods for Empirical EconomicsPanel Data Nonparametric Econometric Methods Machine learning for economicsTime Series and Economic Forecasting Database Management System Programming in Python Choose 2 electives: Empirical Industrial OrganizationFinancial econometrics Structural Models and Policy Evaluation Non
- Mandatory: Professional Development *Algebra Refresher **Probability Refresher **Dynamic Refresher **Datanomics : regulation of data spreading and data protection Equivalent of 8 credits among: Data Analytics (2)Econometric Approach to Efficiency Analysis (2)Experimental Economics (2)Health Econometrics (2)High
- dimensional modelsEmpirical Industrial Organization (4)Financial econometrics (4)Structural Models and Policy Evaluation (4)Empirical project (4) Internship or Master Thesis * Students followed the course #0x5c#" Professional Development#0x5c#" in M1 in 2018-2019 will be exempted.** Upgrade course in Mathematics, open to students in M1 and M2 of TSE.Bonus point:To practice a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra during the year can give you bonus points. Only point above 10/20 are recorded More information: www.tse
- 2-eee
- international
- track
This master aims at providing econometric and empirical analysis tools combined with strong skills in using large data sets in order to perform deep studies in a broad area of economics.The EEE M2 program provides in the first semester a solid training in microeconometrics, time series, panel data models, non
- parametric methods, large dimension statistical tools, computer programming, and database management system. In the second semester, students apply these training to do empirical studies in industrial organization, finance, public policy evaluation programs, health and insurance, data analytics and big data.Courses are taught in English by TSE faculty members with well
- established international reputation in econometrics, empirical economics, industrial organization, and finance among others. This training is completed with an empirical project done during the whole year in a group of students.
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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