Economie - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master (M2) mention économie parcours type Economics of Markets & Organizations (EMO) par UT1 Capitole
En centre (31)
Total : 850 heures
En centre : 400 heures
En entreprise : 450 heures
100 % demandeur d’emploi
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Description générale
Program 2019-2020 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Compulsory courses: Business EconomicsAdvanced Industrial OrganizationEmpirical analysis of firm behavior One course among : Economics of Innovation and Intellectual PropertyWorkshop on Competition Policy and regulationTime series and economic forecastingQuantitative analysis for competition and regulation policy Four courses among : Incentives and RegulationDigital EconomicsTopics in Applied Industrial OrganizationIndustrial Organization of The Food Industry*****Air Transport Economics (20 students max.)Economic Analysis of Infrastructure and Network Industries (30 students max.)Energy Economics and Climate Policy****Industrial Organization* Non
- Mandatory: Professional Development **Algebra Refresher *** Probability Refresher ***Dynamic Refresher ***Datanomics : regulation of data spreading and data protection Internship or dissertation * course will be allocated by the Director** Students followed the course #0x5c#" Professional Development#0x5c#" in M1 in 2018-2019 will be exempted.*** Upgrade course in Mathematics, open to students in M1 and M2 of TSE.**** 5 student of the M2 EMO are authorized to take the Energy Economics and Climate Policy course (on the 1st come/1st served basis)*****5 students of the M2 ERNA are authorized to take the IO of the food Industry course (on the 1st come/1st served basis) Bonus Point:To practice a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra during the year can give you bonus points. Only points above 10/20 are recorded.More information: www.tse
- 2-emo
- international
- track
- Mandatory: Professional Development **Algebra Refresher *** Probability Refresher ***Dynamic Refresher ***Datanomics : regulation of data spreading and data protection Internship or dissertation * course will be allocated by the Director** Students followed the course #0x5c#" Professional Development#0x5c#" in M1 in 2018-2019 will be exempted.*** Upgrade course in Mathematics, open to students in M1 and M2 of TSE.**** 5 student of the M2 EMO are authorized to take the Energy Economics and Climate Policy course (on the 1st come/1st served basis)*****5 students of the M2 ERNA are authorized to take the IO of the food Industry course (on the 1st come/1st served basis) Bonus Point:To practice a sport or a musical activity within the University orchestra during the year can give you bonus points. Only points above 10/20 are recorded.More information: www.tse
- 2-emo
- international
- track
How do markets function? How do corporations make their strategic choices? What are the determinants of the demand structure and the cost structure in a market? What are their relationships with the structure of this market and with the firms' behavior? The Master 2 TSE
- #0x5c#"Economics of Markets and Organizations#0x5c#" (EMO) prepares students to provide answers to this type of questions.The M2 EMO program combines a solid training in industrial organization, regulatory economics, and econometrics that give students a real expertise in the analysis of strategic aspects of a market, the identification of the determinants of the firms' economic performance in a market, and the evaluation of policies aimed at improving the market efficiency.Students with the M2 EMO
- TSE profile master the analytical tools that allow them to model the key economic relationships in an industry. These students have also acquired the ability to perform a sharp diagnosis of the nature of the strategic interaction among the dominant players in a sector and on the key performance parameters of the sector.Courses are taught in English by TSE faculty members with well
- established international reputation in the areas of theoretical and applied industrial organization. This academic training is completed with conferences given by professionals with strong experience of the functioning of real
- world markets.
- #0x5c#"Economics of Markets and Organizations#0x5c#" (EMO) prepares students to provide answers to this type of questions.The M2 EMO program combines a solid training in industrial organization, regulatory economics, and econometrics that give students a real expertise in the analysis of strategic aspects of a market, the identification of the determinants of the firms' economic performance in a market, and the evaluation of policies aimed at improving the market efficiency.Students with the M2 EMO
- TSE profile master the analytical tools that allow them to model the key economic relationships in an industry. These students have also acquired the ability to perform a sharp diagnosis of the nature of the strategic interaction among the dominant players in a sector and on the key performance parameters of the sector.Courses are taught in English by TSE faculty members with well
- established international reputation in the areas of theoretical and applied industrial organization. This academic training is completed with conferences given by professionals with strong experience of the functioning of real
- world markets.
- Toulouse (31)
- Anthropologue
- Archéologue
- Archéomètre
- Chargé / Chargée d'études en sciences humaines
- Chargé / Chargée de recherche en sciences humaines
- Chargé / Chargée de recherche en sciences sociales
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en archéologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en criminologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en démographie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en ergonomie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en ethnologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en géographie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en géomatique
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en histoire
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en linguistique
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en psychologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en sciences humaines
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en sciences humaines et sociales
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en sciences sociales
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en sociologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en thanatologie
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en urbanisme
- Chercheur / Chercheuse en économie
- Choréologue
- Directeur / Directrice de recherche en sciences humaines
- Directeur / Directrice de recherche en sciences sociales
- Démographe
- Ergolinguiste
- Ethnographe
- Ethnolinguiste
- Ethnologue
- Ethnomusicologue
- Ethnosociologue
- Généalogiste
- Historien / Historienne
- Lexicographe
- Lexicologue
- Linguiste
- Musicologue
- Paléographe
- Paléontologue
- Philologue
- Psychologue chercheur / chercheuse
- Sociologue
- Sociologue chercheur / chercheuse
- Terminologue
- Urbanologue
- Économiste chercheur / chercheuse
- Épigraphiste
- Aménagement du territoire
- Analyse statistique
- Anthropologie
- Archéologie
- Droit général
- Démographie
- Ergonomie
- Ethnologie
- Gestion budgétaire
- Gestion de projet
- Généalogie
- Géographie
- Histoire
- Histoire de l'art
- Lexicologie
- Linguistique
- Logiciels de gestion documentaire
- Logiciels de modélisation et simulation
- Management
- Musicologie
- Méthodes d'investigation
- Méthodologie de recherche
- Outils bureautiques
- Paléontologie
- Philosophie
- Psychologie
- Sciences politiques
- Sociologie
- Techniques pédagogiques
- Urbanisme
- Économie
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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