Aéronautique et espace - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master Aerospace Systems - Navigation and Telecommunications par ENAC

En centre (31, 81)
Total : 650 heures
En centre : 300 heures
En entreprise : 350 heures
Demandeur d’emploi
Éligible CPF
Diplômes délivrés
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Description générale
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) have gained a lot of worldwide attention due to a significant increase in applications using GPS for positioning and navigation (aeronautics, vehicular and pedestrian navigation, location
- based services, etc).This international enthusiasm is confirmed by the worldwide development of other global and regional satellite
- based navigation systems in Europe, the USA, China, Russia, India and Japan, creating a strong need for experts in this field.The objective of this MSc in GNSS is to provide students with advanced skills and knowledge in the field of GNSS and its related applications, in order to prepare them to enter the highly dynamic GNSS and GNSS
- dependent industry. In addition, the students will have a grounding in telecommunications, as both fields are strongly complementary.
The Master of Science in GNSS, Global Navigation Satellite System, defines a satellite
- based system that allows autonomous positioning and navigation of a suitably equipped user everywhere and at all times.The Master of Science (MSc) in GNSS is a 2-year programme offering advanced education in Satellite
- based Positioning and Space Telecommunications.It aims at training students for the steadily growing GNSS industry.
  • Toulouse (31)
  • Albi (81)
Formation proposée par : ENAC
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