Aéronautique et espace - Mention :Master - Parcours :MSc Aerospace Materials Design, Manufacturing & Innovation Management - AEROMAT Innovation par Emac Albi Carmaux - Enstimac

En centre (31, 81)
Total : 650 heures
En centre : 300 heures
En entreprise : 350 heures
Demandeur d’emploi
Éligible CPF
Diplômes délivrés
Nous contacter
Cette formation vous intéresse ?
Description générale
- Mat Innovation offers challenging opportunities to students interested in developing careers in the aerospace industry with both technical (innovation) and managerial skills by:
- Training high level master students for the future in engineering and innovation management for industry
- Promoting teaching in close relationship with research
- Favouring multi
- cultural, multi
- physics and multi
- scales approaches
- Giving international opportunities
- Thinking green and socially responsible innovative industrial development
The economic success of actors in the aerospace industry strongly depends on the ability of companies to develop management strategies for research and development, technology transfer and optimization of the overall manufacturing process. This is a strategic issue in the highly competitive sector of the production of materials and structures for aerospace applications. Technologically, tomorrow#0x5c#'s engineers will develop multi
- physics and multi
- scale approaches adapted to generate innovation where it will emerge, at the crossroads of scientific disciplines. In terms of management, they will be able to deploy methodologies and implement complex and global organizational processes integrating a multi
- cultural dimension to anticipate and accompany the changes due to an ambitious industrial innovation policy.
  • Toulouse (31)
  • Albi (81)
Formation proposée par : Emac Albi Carmaux - Enstimac
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