ll.m. in aviation law par UT1 Capitole

En centre (31)
Total : 200 heures
En centre : 100 heures
En entreprise : 100 heures
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Description générale
The LL.M. includes 300 hours of teaching and seminars divided in 2 core modules and 4 specialized modules. All modules are mandatory to obtain the LL.M. degree. Classes are scheduled to start in January.Participants also have either to complete an internship or to conduct a group
- work project under academic or professional supervision.Standalone modules and topics are available on demand and subject to special arrangements.PROGRAMMECORE
Module 1 - AEROSPACE LEGAL FRAMEWORK 65 hrs This module is designed to equip students with the fundamental legal framework and instruments applying to the aviation sector. Private international law 15 hrs main rules of conflict of law and of jurisdiction applicable to aviation focus on the law applicable to international contracts method for dealing with an international issue. Dispute settlement 15hrs litigation arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution modes. Focus on arbitration in aviation and airports
- related disputes. Public international law 10 hrs main principles ruling airspace state sovereignty international agreements covering rights of traffic open sky agreements . Aviation international and European framework 15 hrs the Chicago convention Dec. 1944 and its annexes Standard and Recommended Practices role and binding force mission and functioning of ICAO EU and greater Europe framework EASA Eurocontrol Single European Sky Aviation single market within th EU. Intellectual property in the aviation sector 10 hrs innovation protection in the aviation industry at domestic and international levels patents trade secrets trademarks and copyright . CORE
Module 2 - AEROSPACE ECONOMICS amp MANAGEMENT 55 hrs This module aims at giving a basic economic and management background to legal experts of the sector. It also deals with historical and geopolitical notions and addresses sustainable development challenges in the air sector. Aviation economics 10 hrs
- Introduction to basic economic theories concepts and application to the aviation industry barriers to entry demand and supply profit maximisation and cost minimisation main trends of this sector airline business models and their key economic and financial drivers LCC economic model airlines profitability. Aerospace management 15 hrs main business issues strategies and marketing policies in a competitive environment airlines aircraft manufacturers ground handling firms airports Insurance issues in the air sector 10 hrs domestic EU and international regulations on insurance. Impact of liability as well as security and safety rules. Sustainable development and air transport 10 hrs combining significant traffic growth with environmental constraints green aircrafts airport extensions. Domestic EU and international instruments. Aviation historical and geopolitial landmarks 10 hrs aviation developments through recent history role played by air transport in international relati
This LL.M. brings solid expertise and delivers appropriate solutions to aviation sector players. With 300 hours of in
- class teaching a set of comprehensive modules addressing the major current issues in aviation law and many academic and industrial partnerships this LL.M. is unique worldwide. It takes a strategic and interdisciplinary approach to the main legal challenges whithin this field and is designed both for graduate students and for top executives. The modules combine academic knowledge with professional expertise in order to meet the needs of major players worldwide. The aviation sector is experiencing tremendous growth in a globalized and highly competitive environment. Air traffic is set to double by 2030 especially in Africa and the Asia
- Pacific region. Private entities and public institutions are both involved in the complex challenges combining public policies private interests and global issues that are facing the sector. Regional and international regulation authorities airlines and alliances airports operators aircraft manufacturers ground
- handling firms all have to deal with a growing number of complex challenges and have to deal with a growing number of legal and regulatory issues.In this context the demand for qualified legal expertise is booming.For half a century Toulouse
- France has been home to major international aeronautic players Airbus ATR... and the most renowned centre for education and research in the aerospace sector ISAE
- Supaero ENAC . The University of Toulouse Capitole and its well
- known European School of Law offers cutting
- edge programs fully taught in English and widely recognized in the business world.
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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