Droit international - Mention :Master - Parcours :Master (M2) mention Droit International et Droit Européen parcours type International Economic Law (MINTEC) par UT1 Capitole

En centre (31)
Total : 850 heures
En centre : 400 heures
En entreprise : 450 heures
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Description générale
PROGRAM1st SEMESTER (from September to March)6 units (UE) to be chosen from the 8 following ones : UE 1 : European Law
- 30 hours
- 7.5 ECTSFundamental European law
- 10hrsSpecialized European law 1 (Single Market & Foreign Goods / Services and Foreigners) - 10hrsSpecialized European Law 2 (Selected Issues of EU Competition Law) - 10hrs UE 2 : International Trade Law
- 30 hours
- 7.5 ECTSInternational Trade Organisations and Financial Institutions
- 10hrsSpecialised course in International Trade Law
- 10hrsSpecialised course in International Finance Law
- 10hrsUE 3 : International Business Law
- 30 hours
- 7.5 ECTSFundamental International Business Law (Compliance and & Corporate Social Responsibility) - 10hrsSpecialised International Business Law 1 (International Commercial Arbitration) - 10hrsSpecialised International Business Law 2 (International Tax Law) - 10hrsUE 4 : Public International Law
- 30 hours
- 7.5 ECTSFundamental Public International Law
- 10hrsSpecialised Public International Law 1 (Litigation Aspects
- State Immunities & Investor
- State Arbitration) - 10hrsSpecialised Public International Law 2 (International Criminal Law) - 10hrsUE 5 : Private International Law
- 30 hours
- 7.5 ECTSFundamental Private International Law
- 10hrsSpecialised Private International law 1 (PIL in a global context) - 10hrsSpecialised Private International law 2 (European PIL OR Comparative PIL) - 10hrsUE 6 : Contract Law
- 30 hours
- 7.5 ECTSComparative Contract Law
- 10hrsNegociations and Drafting of Contracts
- 10hrsEuropean Contract Law
- 10hrsUE 7 : Company Law
- 30 hours
- 7.5 ECTSInternational Company Law
- 10hrsPracticing in International Companies
- 10hrsEuropean Company Law
- 10hrsUE 8 : International Economic Law
- 30 hours
- 7.5 ECTSFundamental International Economic Law
- 10hrsSpecialised International Economic Law 1 (Digital Governance in an International Context) - 10hrsSpecialised International Economic Law 2 (Law and Development) - 10hrs+ UE 9 (Mandatory) - 28 hours
- Non assessedFrench or English language
- 25hrsDocumentary researches
- 3hrs 2nd SEMESTER (from April to September) UE 10 - 15 ECTSMaster#0x5c#'s thesis (Research Track) ORInternship (2 months minimum i.e. 308hrs) + Report (Professional Track)
OBJECTIVESThe Master's degree (M2*) in International Economic Law (MINTEC) aims at giving students a thorough knowledge of international economic legal issues.The programme focuses mainly on the study of the World Trade Organisation, of the European Union in an economic perspective and of international economic development. The MINTEC also aims at providing students with some basic knowledge of international law, contracts and markets regulations. The syllabus also aims at giving international students the basics in French legal methodology and in French as a foreign language.A study trip to Brussels will be organised in the frame of this programme. The students will have the opportunity to discover the European Institutions. The MINTEC is composed of two semesters of mandatory courses.Two tracks are available: the Research track and the Professional track.Students opting for the Research track must write a dissertation. When the programme is successfully completed, students who have chosen this track may apply for a PhD.Students opting for the Professional track must do an internship (minimum 3 months) and write a report.According to the French grading system, the master's degree is a national diploma recognised in the European Union countries and which is equivalent to a Legum Magister (LL.M.).* In the French system, the master program is divided into two years : Master 1 (first
- year of Master) and Master 2 (second
- year of Master). It is possible to apply either for Master 1 or Master 2.
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT1 Capitole
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