ingénierie des systèmes complexes - master of science : green chemistry and processes for renewable feedstocks (green cap) par Institut national polytechnique Toulouse

En centre (31, 81)
Total : 200 heures
En centre : 100 heures
En entreprise : 100 heures
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Description générale
The Master Green CAP represents a specialization dedicated to the development of safe and sustainable processes from renewable raw materials, for industrial applications. The program focuses on the area of the conversion of renewable resources by chemical or biochemical reactions or by physical processes; the courses deal with the knowledge of vegetable raw materials, the set up of the chemical reaction and its catalysis, the operation of the biological reaction (enzymatic or fermentation) and the separation processes that result. The approach integrates practices in green chemistry and clean processes involving innovating technologies, which take into account environmental impacts, from the starting materials to the end products.
o Implementing clean technologies in catalysis, biotechnology and green chemistry, oDesigning chemical production processes, biochemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, in a strategy of sustainable development and energy management. o Monitoring and optimizing the efficiency of the process in terms of specifications (productivity, economy, energy efficiency, environmental impact, hygiene regulations, health and environment). o Evaluating the impacts / environmental gains associated with transformation (bio) chemical, o Mastering the conversion route of biomass, with an approach of Biorefinery, o Developping bio
- products and fine chemical products, functional, innovative and safe, with an ecodesign methodologies, o Up
- dating of a technological and regulatory information to incorporate new processes and materials, and to anticipate new standards, o Writing test reports, manufacturing protocols, briefing notes, o Dissemination of knowledge (writing reports or articles, oral presentations, etc.). o Managing projects and work in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Toulouse (31)
  • Albi (81)
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