Innovation, entreprise et société - Mention :Master - Parcours :MASTER Innovation, entreprise et société | parcours Digital Project Management (DPM) par UT2J FC

En centre (31)
Total : 1900 heures
En centre : 1000 heures
En entreprise : 900 heures
Demandeur d’emploi
Éligible CPF
Diplômes délivrés
Nous contacter
Cette formation vous intéresse ?
Description générale
The Master DPM trains project managers, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs capable of leading dialogue with technical experts while mastering the social stakes of digital. It aims to develop both digital skills and the ability to manage projects and innovation.
The Master DPM thus favors on the one hand the design, development and monitoring of projects using digital technologies and on the other hand, understanding the technical, economic and social issues associated with new technological use.
According to status
5372EUR + library and preventive medicine costs + eventually Social Security = around 5500EURErasmus : according to convention between universities
Master DPM website
Key learning outcomes
Through the master#0x5c#'s degree in the field of project management you:take on a project in all its complexity;ensure an interdisciplinary dialogue;acquire digital skills and the ability to innovate and be creative;manage innovation and its externalities.
  • Toulouse (31)
Formation proposée par : UT2J FC
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